
I said yes! (DOS)

Somebody by the name of Sam got asked to Homecoming by the coolest person on the planet.
I went into math, and about 5-10 minutes through the class, my teacher flips up the projector screen and BOOM. There it was! It was very sweet, and I was not expecting it. I have yet to "answer" him. I shall let you all know how that goes shortly. :)

But anyways. I already have my dress and everything ready. (Of course.) Now we just have to wait til next Saturday!

And speaking of Homecoming, I got nominated as the Junior Homecoming Princess!

DEFINITELY not expecting that one. We'll see if I actually make it to the "finals". I think this whole thing is kinda silly to be honest. But God knows I love the attention. I love all my funny friends that nominated me. So yeah. Cameron is thee coolest ever. I don't know what I would do without him.


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