(Ginger on the right)
Plays soccer- fast runner, quick thinking, could literally "kick" the crap out of a zombie (no bullets necessary.)
Short- fits into tight hiding places, could easily weave between
a herd of zombies without being affected.
Actress- could pull off acting like a zombie ("Shaun of the Dead", or "The Walking Dead" ep.4)
2. Natalie Davila
(The foxy brown one on the right)
Cheerleader- loud, showy, athletic, beautiful- if ever in need of the perfect distraction, just throw her out there.
Brown- easily disposable and quite edible if food rations need to be cut.
3. Cotton Fitzsimmons
(The sexy one on the right)
Sousaphonist- extremely ripped, could tear zombie limb from limb. Can consume large amounts of air- making for good endurance, or if necessary, under-water escape.
Attractive- his manliness is so distracting that the zombies would forget their obsession of flesh, and revert to craving his body only.
Owns "The Zombie Survival Guide"- what more do we need?!
4. Hyrum Carlile
Track Runner- the zombies will be eating his dust, they'll have no chance at eating flesh with track spikes through their faces, or a javelin speared through their kidneys. (Do zombies have kidneys?)
Great dancer- in the simplest of terms, his Dougie could wipe out a colony of zombies in one strike.
5. Samantha Brucia
Black Ops- spends hours preparing for the zombie apocalypse by playing this game. Her dedication and experience would be useful out on the field.
Screamo Interpretationist- Screamo would become our survival group's code. Like Navajo, except it's only zombies we have to worry about, not Japs.
Clumsy- easily disposable: gives 35 second buffer if being chased. (They'll be busy consuming her.)
Bring. It. On.
Your blog looks so cute! =] I miss you! Beauty and the Beast was good, but it WAS NOT the same without you!
...PS. I JUST realized that you are wearing your I <3 NY shirt. =P LOVE IT. =]
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